Khwan Kim

Khwan Kim

Hi, my name is Khwan Kim. I am a PhD candidate in Management at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. My research explores the antecedents and consequences of novelty and innovation at both the individual and organizational levels. I specifically focus on creative industries such as music, films, publishing, and contemporary arts as my empirical settings. In doing so, I utilize various organization theories as a theoretical framework and employ computational content analytic tools across my projects.



Job Market Paper

Kindle's Kindle: Is Digitization Igniting or Dousing the Fire of Content Novelty in the Book Industry?

Author(s): Khwan Kim


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Wharton-INSEAD Doctoral Consortium (Singapore), Nov 2023

Creative Industries Conference (INSEAD, Fontainebleau), Oct 2023

SMS Annual Conference (Toronto), Oct 2023

Medici Summer School (MIT Sloan, Boston), Jun 2023

Figure for JMP


Disrupted Routines Anticipate Musical Exploration

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 121 (6) e2306549121, 2024

Author(s): Khwan Kim, Noah Askin, & James A. Evans

Understanding and predicting the emergence and evolution of cultural tastes manifested in consumption patterns is of central interest to social scientists, analysts of culture, and purveyors of content. Prior research suggests that taste preferences relate to personality traits, values, shifts in mood, and immigration destination. Understanding everyday patterns of listening and the function music plays in life has remained elusive, however, despite speculation that musical nostalgia may compensate for local disruption. Using more than one hundred million streams of 4 million songs by tens of thousands of international listeners from a global music service, we show that breaches in personal routine are systematically associated with personal musical exploration. As people visited new cities and countries, their preferences diversified, converging towards their travel destinations. As people experienced the very different disruptions associated with COVID-19 lockdowns, their preferences diversified further. Personal explorations did not tend to veer toward the global listening average, but away from it, toward distinctive regional musical content. Exposure to novel music explored during periods of routine disruption showed a persistent influence on listeners’ future consumption patterns. Across all of these settings, musical preference reflected rather than compensated for life’s surprises, leaving a lasting legacy on tastes. We explore the relationship between these findings and global patterns of behavior and cultural consumption.

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Invited Talk at the Headquarters of Deezer (Paris), Jan 2024

Finalist, The Edgar Schein Best Student Paper Prize at the Berkeley Culture Conference (Haas, Berkeley), Jan 2024

Workshop on Digital Data for Research in Organization Studies (HEC Paris, Paris), Apr 2023

Creative Industries Conference (Columbia Business School, NYC), Oct 2022

Figure for Disrupted Routines Paper

Feature-Based Structures of Opportunity: Innovation in the American Popular Music Industry, 1958-2016

Forthcoming at American Sociological Review

Author(s): Khwan Kim & Noah Askin

We offer a new perspective on how cultural markets are structured and the conditions under which innovations are more likely to emerge. We argue that in addition to organization- and producer-level factors, product features—the locus of marketplace interaction between producers and consumers—also structure markets. The aggregate distribution of product features, captured via market information regimes, helps producers gauge where to differentiate or conform and when consumers may be more receptive to the kind of novelty that spawns new genres, our measure of innovation. We test our arguments with a unique dataset comprising the nearly 25,000 songs that appeared on the Billboard Hot 100 chart from 1958 to 2016, employing computational methods to capture and analyze the aesthetic (sonic) and semantic (lyrical) features of each song. Results reveal that new genres are more likely to appear following markets that can be characterized as diverse along one feature dimension while homogenous along the other. We then connect specific configurations of feature distributions to subsequent song novelty before linking the aesthetic and semantic novelty of individual songs to genre innovation versus genre evolution. We replicate our findings using industry-wide data and conclude with implications for the study of markets and innovation.

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Strategy Science Conference (LMU, München), Jun 2023

Creative Industries Conference (Amsterdam Business School), May 2022

AOM Annual Meeting - Symposium (Cultural Production and Reception), Aug 2021

AOM Annual Meeting - Symposium (Bridging and Blurring Boundaries Between Creativity and Innovation), Aug 2020

Figure for ASR Innovation Paper Figure for ASR Innovation Paper

Manuscripts Under Review

Point Break? The Process and Impact of Collaborative Breakdowns in Creative Work

Revise & Resubmit at Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)

Author(s): Spencer Harrison, Pat Reilly, Yanbo Song, & Khwan Kim

To Be Posted

Figure for Skip Paper

Keep It or Skip It? Sequential Consumption of Music with Reference Effects

Reject & Resubmit at Management Science

Author(s): Abhishek Deshmane, Noah Askin, & Khwan Kim

Sequential consumption of experiential products gives rise to inter-temporal associations. Developing recommendation algorithms that account for these effects while designing experiences for users can be effective in enhancing user engagement. Using music streaming as the paradigmatic context of such interactions -- consumption of multiple songs across multiple sessions -- we construct a utility-based theoretical framework that accounts for users' past consumption, leading to: (a) Recall-based references, that are built on past sessions, and Locally-based references, which are the result of previous songs in the focal session. Users' heterogeneous responses, rooted in the constructs of habit formation and variety seeking, help us understand their dynamic preferences, which are further influenced by the memory decay effects. To validate this theory, we combine music streaming logs of 44,794 paid customers of the global streaming platform, Deezer, across 2018-2019 with the song-attribute data from Spotify to study the relationship between the platform-recommended song-attribute deviation from user references and user engagement with the platform. Engagement is measured via song skipping, duration of song listened to, and session abandonment decisions. We use a matching procedure to correct for the endogeneity issues to get pairs or users with similar music-listening trajectories. Using a matching procedure in conjunction with reduced-form analyses, we find that a 1% increase in the deviation of the recommended song's attributes from the Recall and Local references results in an increase of 0.2% (variety seeking) and a drop of -1.9% (habit formation) in the engagement. total duration of the song listened to, showing a tendency to seek variety with respect to past sessions and consistency within a focal session, respectively. Finally, the counterfactual analyses show an increase in user engagement levels of 34.7% above the status-quo at Deezer when implementing our recommendations. An experimental study further supports these results.

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Figure for Skip Paper

Works in Progress

Artists Become More Successful Through Multicultural Exploration and Exploitation in the Global Art Market

Author(s): Khwan Kim, Frederic Godart, & William Maddux

In the global art market, the accumulation of symbolic capital is critical to succeed, but little is known about how it is acquired through an artist’s professional trajectory or work experience. Building on the literature on multicultural experience, learning, and social evaluation, we investigate how international experiences—specifically short, culturally distant experiences—help artists develop symbolic capital. We begin by disentangling the multidimensionality of foreign experiences and classify variance and average cultural distance as indicative of exploration and exploitation respectively. Using a longitudinal dataset of 28,168 contemporary artists’ global exhibition records from 1994 to 2017, we find that a combination of foreign exploration and exploitation, characterized by high variance and low average of cultural distances, is most beneficial to building symbolic capital.

Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Consortium (LBS, London), May 2023

Figure for Artfacts paper

Exploration and Exploitation in Cultural Tastes from a Core/Periphery Perspective

Author(s): Khwan Kim

How does category membership impact user behavior? Does a cultural consumer’s openness to novel products depend on what genre she fancies? To tackle these questions, we first conceptualize genre preference as a network interface where individual consumers can be positioned differently depending on the genres they favor. We then theorize the consumer’s position in the genre network as indicative of what type of behavioral constraints to be imposed at what level. This, in turn, influences whether a consumer’s taste structure evolves by exploration or stagnates by exploitation. Taste exploration by consumers in cultural markets is important because it awakes consumers’ undiscovered taste improving their cultural well-being at the individual consumer level. It can also serve as a fresh shock to cultural producers that are potentially in a state of organizational inertia because it signals the growing need for a new niche (Carroll & Swaminathan, 2000; Peterson & Berger, 1975). We argue that whether a cultural consumer explores or exploits at least partly depends on her genre membership, particularly its relative position in the entire genre network. Our theoretical approach is inspired by a Core/Periphery perspective of Cattani and Ferriani (2008) that has well documented how actors’ network position stifles or fosters their ability to generate creative outcomes. Core actors gain legitimacy and resources readily but lack novel exposures. Periphery actors can bring in more fresh ideas through exposure to diverse stimuli but come short of the endorsement necessary to boost their freshness. To reconcile this trade-off, Cattani and Ferriani (2008) suggested that “individuals who occupy an intermediate position between the core and the periphery of their social system are in a privileged position to achieve creative results” because such a position allows for the balance between novel ideas and legitimate support. Extending this perspective to the consumption dimension, we turn to the effect of an intermediate position on taste exploration.

Wharton-INSEAD Doctoral Consortium (Philadelphia), Oct 2022

AOM Annual Meeting - Symposium(Cultural Production, Creativity, and Networks), Aug 2022

Figure for Network paper

Evolutionary Consecration: Acceptance and Attention to Deviants in the US Film Markets

Author(s): Spencer Harrison, Khwan Kim, & Yanbo Song


Creative Industries Conference (INSEAD, Fontainebleau), Oct 2023

Creativity Collaboratorium (UCL, London), September 2023

Figure for Cult Film paper

The Collapse and Reconstruction of Relational Boundaries in Musicians

Author(s): Spencer Harrison, Akshita Joshi, Khwan Kim, & Noah Askin


Figure for Divorce paper

